
Organizing Chaos

Thoughts on technical leadership and software engineering

Simplicity isn't easy

Simple is the opposite of complex, easy is the opposite of difficult

Cheat codes

Support your teams’ decision making processes while giving them the space they need to function autonomously.

Flexible systems

Most decisions that you make are not nearly as important as your ability to change them in the future

Go slow to move fast

Engineering teams can often improve their long-term development velocity by slowing down in the short term.

Striped development

Incremental progress on large projects can be achieved by developing functional stripes across the system’s components.

Creating a development blog

Welcome to the inaugural post of Organizing Chaos! I'm the type of person who loves to tinker with new pieces of technology. Recently, I've been experimenting with a few different technical ideas that I thought were worth writing about (stay tuned for future posts 😉), so naturally I started to get excited about the prospect of setting up a personal development blog for myself. After a weekend of research and experimentation, I've arrived at a very simple (yet effective!