Refined: simple refinement types for Rust

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An alpha library for refinement types with rich support for serde

In my off time for the past few month or two I’ve been working on refined, a library to provide better support for refinement types in Rust. The basic functionality is now where I want it to be, so I’ve released an initial alpha version so that others can play with it if they’d find it useful. The crate documentation is good enough to get up and running (I think, let me know if you disagree!), but I also wanted to provide more background on why I’ve been working on this the types of problems that the library solves.

What is refinement? ๐Ÿ”—

To understand refined, it’s necessary to first understand the concept of refinement in general. An excerpt from the definition linked above:

A refinement type is a type endowed with a predicate which is assumed to hold for any element of the refined type. Refinement types can express preconditions when used as function arguments or postconditions when used as return types.

I like to think of refinement as narrowing the possible set of values that can be associated with a type. The easiest examples to consider are strings and numerics. These are ubiquitous types that have a huge range of possible values, which is part of what makes them so useful in general. In more specific contexts, however, it’s often only correct for certain values to take on a very small subset of those possible values. This is where refinement becomes useful: it allows us to model those domain invariants within the type system, improving documentation and maintainability while simultaneously preventing bugs.

A contrived example ๐Ÿ”—

As a contrived example, we could conceive of a situation wherein we need to score a test, but where the problem domain dictates that test scores must lie between 1 and 100 inclusive. In Rust, the best that we can do to model this value is to reach for u8. Using refined, we can lift the domain invariant into the type system by defining a Refinement over u8 like so:

1use refined::{Refinement, RefinementError, boundable::unsigned::ClosedInterval};
3type TestScore = Refinement<u8, ClosedInterval<1, 100>>;

With this definition in place, refined will now guarantee that any value of type TestScore is a u8 between 1 and 100. If you have a TestScore, you can be sure that it is a proper value as dictated by the domain.

Creating values is easy, though there is a small runtime cost to ensure the predicate:

 1use refined::{Refinement, RefinementError, boundable::unsigned::ClosedInterval};
 3type TestScore = Refinement<u8, ClosedInterval<1, 100>>;
 5fn main() {
 6  let good_score = 99u8;
 7  let buggy_score = 200u8;
 9  TestScore::refine(good_score).unwrap(); // TestScore
10  TestScore::refine(buggy_score).unwrap(); // panic!

Using values of a refined type is also easy via the Deref impl for Refinement:

 1use refined::{Refinement, RefinementError, boundable::unsigned::ClosedInterval};
 3type TestScore = Refinement<u8, ClosedInterval<1, 100>>;
 5// This function is from a foreign library that doesn't know about our TestScore type
 6// fn classify_test_score(score: u8) -> ScoreClassification;
 8fn main() {
 9  let user_input = 99u8; // In the real world, this would come from an external source that we don't have control over
11  let score = TestScore::refine(good_score).expect("invalid score provided");
12  let classification = classify_test_score(*score);

There are a number of other convenience functions implemented for Refinement to make it easier to work with as well, but we don’t need to go through all of them here.

Of course, I should mention that the most correct way to model this test score would be as an enum with 100 variants, but I’m going to make the assumption that most of us would avoid that route. There are, however some interesting thoughts on when it might be worth using “better” type safety than a library like refined is able to provide.

Parse, don’t validate ๐Ÿ”—

One of my all-time favorite blog posts focuses on the difference between parsing and validation:

Consider: what is a parser? Really, a parser is just a function that consumes less-structured input and produces more-structured output. By its very nature, a parser is a partial function โ€” some values in the domain do not correspond to any value in the range โ€” so all parsers must have some notion of failure.

So, a parser might look something like this:

1fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Output, SomeError>

while a validator might look more like:

1fn validate(input: Thing) -> bool

The key concept here (and what refined provides) is that by having an Output, we know that our invariants must be met. In the latter case, when we have a Thing we might think that our invariants have been validated, but there’s no guarantee that it has! Surely when the system is first implemented the validations might’ve been correctly applied, but as systems evolve over time, mistakes are possible, and something like forgetting a validation is an easy mistake to make.

My driving motivation behind refined was to create something that integrates seamlessly with serde in much the same way that the excellent validator crate does for validation.

With the serde feature enabled (it’s on by default), we get the essence of “parse, don’t validate” for free when using refinement types:

 1use refined::{Refinement, RefinementError, boolean::And, boundable::unsigned::{ClosedInterval, NonZero}, string::Trimmed};
 2use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
 4type StudentName = Refinement<String, And<Trimmed, NonZero>>; // Name can't start or end with whitespace, and can't be the empty string
 5type TestScore = Refinement<u8, ClosedInterval<1, 100>>;
 7#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
 8struct TestResult {
 9  name: StudentName,
10  score: TestScore,

For me, this is power, and is a great demonstration of why I’m a proponent of rich type systems. Domain invariants are now verified for us by the compiler, and a library ensures that they’re maintained. Data can be modeled directly, and we can be sure that our values are always meeting the expectations that we have of them.

Wrapping up ๐Ÿ”—

This was really just a quick tour of my motivation for creating refined. If you’re interested in learning more (in particular, I think the unstable implication feature is pretty cool!), check out the crate documentation. If you find any issues, or have any ideas for how the library could be improved, please open an issue so that we can get it sorted out!

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